Saturday, November 17, 2007

What is Forex ?

Forex is the contraction of the word “Foreign Exchange” which can be considered as an arena, where money of a country will be exchanged to money of another countries. In fact, it is a Foreign Exchange Market. Because the exchange of money happens among a lot of countries all over the world, there are no reason if we assert that Forex is the largest market with more than 1500 billions US dollars every days among countries, more than 3 times of the treasury in United States. The foreign exchanging has no specific organizations, but it took place among bank network systems, company offices or individual corporations. So, everyone and every countries can join this special market all 24 hours per day. Sounds wonderful and hi-tech!

In general rule, the only way for retail investors to get profits from foreign exchange is to work with banks that have many foreign trade about business and invested projects. After the end of World War II, when the world development got start, each developed country and also developing country had many and many foreign investments from other countries all around the world. That is a good condition for every countries to get success in the journey of the world economy. Since then, there are more and more investors such as importers, exporters, world organization administrators, company masters, corporation principals and even business experts - use foreign exchange to pay for their product transaction, services or property. By using this manner, their business not only happens quickly and advantageously but also take place without losing money if instead moving them too far from one place to another place. Nowadays, financial companies cooperated with banks all over the world, so the foreign exchange activities are easier and easier for many countries to process.